Monday, October 31, 2011

Mollösund a very special place in Sweden

Read about Mollesund at this address:

I have spent a weekend at a lovely place at the West Coast this Weekend. Mollösunds Värdshus. If you go to Sweden I would recommend to visit more of the countryside than the big cities. From my point of view these look a lot the same all the world around. What you can´t find is remote places like this little hotel in Mollösund, a small old fishing village by the coast. If you like delicious food and seeing a genuine part of Sweden this is one of the best places. 

Are you among those who read grandmothers magazine Allas? This magazine has been around for a while and the past weeks I have had the opportunity to have it delivered just to see what secrets it holds.
When I have been reading it I must say it is so retro that it borders on the modern. Everything goes in waves and circles you know. Trend and backlash. Modern and post modern etc. Last week everyone talked about a survey on one of our swedish websites for mothers where the result showed that younger mothers want to stay at home with the kids. Something the government has tried to avoid since we are getting more and more elderly people who have to be supported. Hobbies that have been highly popular past years is knitting, baking bread all by yourself, growing plants. In this magazine you find all the recepies, cross words, novels etc. 

All the best from 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Imagine if Africa could make money of their sun and we of the freezing cold

Imagine if Africa could make money of their sun
and we of the freezing cold

In my town we put our garbage in white and black plastic bags. The black for garbage like non cooked food that is next summer going to feed the town  plants. Then we sort glass, plastic, newspapers etc. and leave it at a recycling place once in a while. This is a decision of our city council and make our city more eco friendly. We try and make the world a better place with our own small steps. 

Since we live in such a cold climate we love the sun and I believe we will in the near future create wonderful houses with ecological systems and a nice southern climate as a bonus. I´ll show you some nice houses built in a ecological manner according to some standards. These photos of houses is borrowed from the website:

This one is my favorite. Inside the glass you´ll have a nice and warm climate many months of the year. There are grapes and fruits growing on the wall. 

Earth houses is a concept of building houses you read about them here at this Swiss website: The photos down below are from this website!

Imagine if Africa could make money of their sun and we in the North of the cold. What if we could get our electricity from this. Is it a crazy idea? Anyway it would be a good way if we could make enough energy out if it. A nice way of excluding the coal and nuclear plants. Wouldn´t that be nice? Would Africa be the new Arabia when we don´t want oil any longer? Is it so that we don´t need oil today but the multinational companies makes us belive we do?

All the best

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Håkan Juholt is in trouble again

The right wing party Moderaterna in Sweden made a reformation two elections ago. The leader Fredrik Reinfeldt took his Allianceparties to a great success. He called his party the "new" moderaterna, the new working party. I think many of us were tired of seeing those stereotypes most often male ones so this was right in time. 

What did the Social democratic party do? They found Håkan Juholt?! He was elected after Mona Sahlin when she didn´t got enough support by her members. After two catastrophic elections they needed to do something and chose Juholt. An old familiar stereotype in the Social democratic party. Maybe you recognize the style from your country. They are to be found everywhere! Like one politician said yesterday: "He has given daily news a face." He seems to fall into trouble all the time. If it isn´t his fiancee doing fraud. It is about him trying to gain too much money for his apartment or want money for a rent car and his own at the same time... I can see nothing more than greed. 

If you ask me how they could win next election? They need to start a real reformation. A young well skilled, female is to be found and her name is Veronica Palm.  Let her save the Social democratic party and give Reinfeldt a real battle in the election. Suddenly Reinfeldt wouldn´t seem so new any longer.

Best of luck to Socialdemokraterna, 
I think you need it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weather news in October

This weekend strated with a windy friday. The rain was pouring from the sky. I hardly couldn´t drive the car since it was both raining and falling small hails. It didn´t really show at this film but you will get an idea of how it was.

Then everything just went better and better. The sun showed up and it was pretty nice even if it was a bit cold in the wind. We had some old friends from Norway sleeping over. We went for a walk to show them our neighberhood and the nice enviroment. Of course we showed them the lake.  This Saturday we decided to visit my sister in the forests close to the western coast. We were going picking Mushrooms. 


Here is a pic of me and my sister, the mushroom hunters. 

Over and out from Sweden!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nobel prize, mushrooms, swedish lunch


Yesterday we had the cinnamon bun´s day! If you haven´t tried it, you have to. Here is a pic from last time when I was baking. 

2011 Nobel Prize Announcements
Tomorrow at one o clock they will announce the winner of the Nobel prize in litteratur. This is one of five prices of the memory of Alfred Nobel 2011. One favorite if one should believe Ladbrokes is Bob Dylan. That was a surprise if you ask me. 

This is Ladbroks list with the odds today
Bob Dylan5,00
Haruki Murakami8,00
Tomas Tranströmer10,00
Assia Djebar10,00
Ko Un14,00
Peter Nedas16,00
Les Murray16,00
Philip Roth16,00
Thomas Pynchon20,00

Today I had my lunch in my studio. Mushrooms my sister picked the other day with my newly baked bread and potato soup. If you like the recipes of the bread just put a comment. It is so easy to make and it is really delicious.

We have such wonderful days when the fall is arriving. We know it is soon going to be dark and we try and spend as much time as we can outdoor. 

All the best 

Ps. It is not often I put a lower price on an item but I decided we all needed some cheering up after the light period. I tried the necklace myself this Saturday and It feels great wearing even at the opera in Gothenburg.