Sunday, November 27, 2011

The storm Berit came our way

Photo above show a few guests leaving from a smorgasbord!

These photos are from Aftonbladet (Swedish evening paper)! Check them out at this address:

This Sunday we were celbrating the first of Advent! We baked ginger bread and listened to the 4vikings-christmas-list on Spotify, also lit the first candle. This is my favorite list during Christmas!  4vikingscom4vikings-christmas-list-on-spotify

Since the radio was varning of the coming storm we stayed in all day and relaxed. 

In the store I found a new box of chocolate the other day. The new Aladdin made of dark chocolate. I was certain that the cherry chocolate one would have a special place in a box like this but no. I was really disappointed. 

All the best from me

Monday, November 7, 2011

A November Sunday in Sweden

It is still pretty warm in Sweden for being in November. Last year we had lots of snow coming at this time and now we can walk outdoors in ordinary jackets. Feels a bit strange. This is a photo taken on the stroll yesterday in a wonderful environment outside Gothenburg in Boras. 
We found this magical tree in the forest! The green color is so bright now because of the warm weather and it makes everything look a bit unreal. 

Wonder who lived in this cottage! Perhaps Santa?!

We have celebrated Alla helgona this weekend (all saints). We always visit our graveyard in the city on this day to celebrate our love ones. It is so beautiful to see the stars change place with the ground on this day.

All the best from me 
