Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Could we ask greece for some money

I think we need some extra cash to the Swedish government at this time. We need to put some money to the cancer sick people so that they don´t need to go to the agencies to apply for jobs they can´t get and we also need to put a little more money with our elderly, build new roads etc. Wonder if we could ask the Greek people to give us this money? We might have a nicely planned economy going on here in Sweden. There are lots of possabilities with our way of running a country but it is not perfect. A Chinese friend recently told me that in China they refer to Sweden as the best run communist country in the world?! I was a bit surprised and told the guy that we at this moment are governed by a right wing party. He also looked very surprised at that fact. 

Anyway my suggestion above is all about the demonstations in Greece. I don´t really understand why it would be ok to retire at 50, pay very little VAT and then when they have run out of money ask us to pay for the vacation?

All the best from me

Above a collage I made 10 years ago. I let it speak for itself!


  1. My dearest Anna
    Just the other night I was searching tweeter for post about this essue. I too was kind of puzzeled about this so called dilemma that Europe has ended up with. To me it's like that wild kid at the university that parties hard the first 2 weeks of the months and begs for handouts the rest of the 2 weeks left from the other poor kids that actually DID thought of the HOLE month. Conclution?! Well as we all remember that first kid normaly just went right back to parting in the beginning of the next month;).
    Good night B as the B in Gbg

  2. Thank you my dear B--- for commenting!:-)
    Nice comparison of the matter! It makes it even clearer.
    What happened with the people who made such great cultural and democratic starting point for us all. Were did this spoiled kid came from?
