Monday, September 26, 2011

Richard Branson is an inspiration

I read an article about Richard Branson in Time Magazine today and he seems like an inspiring person with a fresh mind who goes his own way successfully and also without following the stream.
He has aeroplanes flying all over the world and instead of flying less he proclaims to fly more and pledge that 100% of the profits goes to developing clean new fuels. He plans to fly one 747 using clean fuel next year to prove that this can be done. This guy also has dyslexia and actually thinks that this has helped him in his work. In his company they use normal language instead of using phrases that nobody understand, like “financial service industry”.

Without mentioning any companies here in Sweden I think this would be something that really would help advertsing give more results. Use language and words we understand and don´t make it so complicated. We don´t have the time for that. Sometimes it seems as if a slogan sounds cool but no one understands it, it’s better than the other way around?! Is it? You tell me? What also is cool with Branson is that he hardly ever says “no”. He is known as “Mr. Yes” because whenever someone comes up with an idea he encourages that person to try it out within reasonable limits.

All the best

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